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Issue:September 1998 Year: 1998
this one
Tim Roberts

By Tim Roberts

We've already burned through another summer in the city, though it doesn't officially end for a few weeks yet. By the time you read this, the kids will be back in school, the State Fair will be over, and all the big summer movie blockbusters will be in the second-run theaters or on their way to a snug new home on oxide-coated Mylar and a plastic case (i.e., a videotape).

But Louisville didn't suffer for a lack of jazz events these past three or four months, with the Bellarmine College Jazz Guitar Clinic, Jamey Aebersold's Summer Jazz Workshop, the Louisville Jazz Society concerts, the jazz acts that appeared in the lineup for City Stage on the Belvedere, and Jazz in Central Park. So why not one more to wrap up this summer up in a shiny package?

Jazz veteran Stanley Turrentine returns to the area on Saturday, September 12 at the Indiana University Southeast Amphitheater. He was one of the performers who contributed to this year's Jazz Week at U of L. This time he'll appear with organist Hank Marr (a regular faculty member at the Aebersold workshop) and guitarist Cal Collins, who was here for last year's Bellarmine guitar clinic. The show starts at 7:30 p.m. with the Jamey Aebersold Quartet. Tickets are $8.00 (Louisville Jazz Society members get in for $5.00) and are available through the Kentucky Center for the Arts (584-7777), the Ogle Center Ticket Office at IUS (812-941-2526), or at the amphitheater's gate before the show. The ticket prices will include surcharge and/or service charge. But even with the extra charge tacked on, the show's still a bargain.

This performance is presented by the Paul W. Ogle Cultural and Community Center of IUS.

Cal Collins will appear with Stanley Turrentine and Hank Marr at IUS Sept. 12

Meanwhile, the Java Men stay busy. They scoot up to Columbus, Ohio for a show at Dick's Den on Saturday, September 5. Then they come back home the next day for a show at the Twice Told starting at 9:00 p.m..

Now that Ken Clay has wrapped up another Jazz in Central Park, he's now ready for the Bank One Jazz Cabaret Series at the Kentucky Center for the Arts. Each show starts at 6 P.M. at the Clark-Todd Recital Hall at the Kentucky Center for the Arts. Here's the lineup for this year:

October 18 - Culture Shock, with Dick Sisto, Hugh Peterson, Booker T. Williams, Steve Schmidt and Bob Bodley.

November 15 - Crooner Everett Green.

December 20 - Bobby J. and the Flying Martinis

January 10 (1999, that is) - Winchester, Kentucky-native Cheryl Skinner.

Subscriptions for the entire series are $46.00. Individual cost for each show is $13.50. Call the arts center box office at 584-7777 for more information.

Live Jazz in Louisville: It just never seems to end.

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