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Got a full plate of items for you this month, people. Grab your forks and dig in. Remember to chew each bite 25 times before swallowing.
City Stage - This year Splatch is the only jazz act to perform in this showcase of Louisville-area musicians, sponsored by the City of Louisville and several fine companies. They, the Ron Hayden Group, and the already-missed Java Men were part of last year's series. Splatch will play at the first performance on Saturday, June 5, sharing the bill with Kathleen Hoye (our LMN April cover subject) and 100 Acre Wood. The performances will be on the Belvedere beginning at 6 p.m.. Admission is free.
Bellarmine College Jazz Guitar Clinic - A reminder to join Jeff Sherman, Howard Alden, Cal Collins, and Randy Johnson for the clinic Monday, June 7 through Tuesday, June 8. The four will perform a jazz guitar concert at the Amy Cralle Theater in Wyatt Hall on the Bellarmine campus that Monday night at 7:30 p.m.. Tickets are $8.00 at the door, $7.00 for Louisville Jazz Society members. Clinic hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both days. Get more information from Jeff Sherman at 452-8182.
E trio to Open for Astral Project - Keyboardist Todd Hildreth's new jazz project, E trio, with Chris Fitzgerald on bass and Gary Claude (of The Pennies, our LMN May cover subject) on drums, will open for Astral Project, a jazz outfit from New Orleans. Catch both bands on Friday, June 18 at the Rudyard Kipling. Call 636-1311 for more information.
Elkhart Jazz Festival - Feel like taking a trip up north? This famous Midwestern festival runs June 25, 26, and 27 through a number of venues in Elkhart, Indiana. This year you can catch such performers as Michael Moore, Lynn Seaton, Kenny Drew, Jr., Eddie Higgins, Tom Melito, Scott Hamilton, Howard Alden and Phil Upchurch. Featured groups this year include the Karrin Allyson Quintet, the Afro-Rican Ensemble, Bill Allred's Classic Jazz Band and the Red Holloway Quintet. This year's special guest performers are The Four Freshmen. Ticket prices range from full-access into all sessions and top dog treatment at $150 to Saturday and Sunday afternoon-only performances at $15. For tickets or more information, call 1-800-597-7627, or visit
Jamey Aebersold's Summer Jazz Workshop - Jazz school will be in session for one week - Sunday, July 4 through Friday, July 9 - at the University of Louisville School of Music. Musicians young and old are always invited to attend. Jamey always has an all-star faculty joining him for these workshops. You can catch a free concert featuring the workshop's faculty Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday nights at the music school's main recital hall. Wednesday night is reserved for an off-site faculty concert sponsored by the Louisville Jazz Society. Check back here next month for location and ticket prices. In the meantime, find out more about the workshop at, or call 1-800-456-1388.
For this year, Jamey has developed an international workshop. It will be held July 25 - 30 at Richmond Community College in London.
Louisville Jazz Festival at the Water Tower - Plans are coming together for this festival, which will be Friday and Saturday, July 9 and 10, at the Water Tower on Zorn Avenue. Shows run from 5 to 11:30 p.m. on Friday, then from 4 to 11:30 p.m. on Saturday. Admission will be $5.00 from 4 to 6 p.m., then it jumps to $8.00 after 6 . Nothing's firm yet on which acts will appear. So you have another reason to check back here next month.
Tim Roberts is Director of the LMN Old Louisville Bureau, and the astro-dietary consultant to the Kalish of Samovar. Send him your important jazz-related and not-so-related stuff to