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Issue:October 2013 Year:2013
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Louisville Rock Closeup
By Eddy Metal
Terry Harper

Name: Terry Harper

Age: 28

Instrument: Drums

Band/Former Bands: Currently with Whitener and Quinney Bros. Sen, Tornacade, Flatlyne, Sara Tonen, Flaw, Foundation, TENTONHYPEMACHINE and Of Sound Mind

How long on instrument: 15 years

Equipment: Yamaha / Sabian

Influences: Morgan Rose, Will Hunt and Gene Hoglan

My first gig: February 1997 at Incarnation Church

Hobbies: Gambling, sports and traveling

Favorite movies: American Gangster, Dumb and Dumber and Schindler's List

Favorite food: Pizza is life!!!!

Favorite place: Phoenix, Arizona

Favorite sports or team: Atlanta Braves / Louisvile Cardinals

What I'm listening to nowadays: Love and Death, Filter and Devin Townsend

Coolest thing I've done: Musically, I would say flying down to Phoenix and auditioning for Brian Welch (Love and Death). It was an awesome experience jamming with them and getting second place out of the hundreds of participants. Personally – Any time I get to have benefit shows for companies like Relay For Life, American Cancer Society and Toys For Tots is always an honor.

Most embarrassing moment: My first show when my whole entire kit collapsed on me during the set.

Bad Habits: Gambling (ha!) and eating whole pizzas by myself!

When/where did you first get some: I'm still a virgin. Don't hate!

If you could meet a Rockstar (past or present), who would it be, and why: There isn't really anyone left I would want to meet, honestly. I've met everyone who means something to me already. If you aren't talking about rock stars, then my picks would be Vince McMahon and Hulk Hogan. They're rock stars in my eyes, though?

Who do you love: My mom (RIP), family, friends, MH, everyone who has supported me with my music career and come to my shows!

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