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July 2017 Articles
Cover Story
Paul Moffett
Eddy Metal
Eddy Metal
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Issue:July 2017 Year:2017
this one
Paul Moffett

Down On The Corner
By Paul Moffett

Summertime and it's more music than ever, what with the various festivals, plus touring acts plus Louisville musicians finding places to play, even if they don't make any money at it. Go listen and donate some money in lieu of a cover charge.

Your humble editor has been obsessed with getting the last few early issues of LMN digitized and uploaded to the website. It's not quite done, but, barring unforeseen events, all issues should be uploaded by August 15. In the meantime, the issues added since last month are these:

Alan Rhody Interview, Part 1, October 1990:


Debbie Hupp, September 1990:


Fire Dept. August 1990:


Mike Lunsford And Whiskey River Band July 1990:


Henry Woodruff June 1990:


Rhino Ivory & The Monkey Paws May 1990:


Melissa Combs April 1990:


Garland Flaherty March 1990:


Randy Atcher February 1990:


Jimmy Raney January 1990:


Louisville Music Weekend Huge Success December 1989:


Singin' the Blues / Run For the Royalties / MERF November 1989:


Boats, Bridges, Brass and Bluegrass! October 1989:



That's it for this month – back to the scanning and editing.


Bryan, James Elliott Jr., 69, died in Louisville on May 30, 2017. Jim was a former musician who played in several bands in high school and college, most notably the Trendells. His group Braine produced a New Age album that debuted on WFPL.

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