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October 2019 Articles
Cover Story
Paul Moffett
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Issue:October 2019 Year:2019
this one
Paul Moffett

Down On The Corner
By Paul Moffett

Michael Cleveland and Flamekeeper won the IBMA Awards for Best Instrumental Group, their fifth win in that category, with Cleveland earning his 12th Fiddle Player of the Year honor.

In case you were noticing that the music scene in town seemed really busy, WAVE3 has some evidence for you in this story: https://www.wave3.com/2019/09/10/record-number-concerts-leads-unprecedented-profit-yum-center/.

(If you don’t have internet access, the fundamental numbers are 29 concerts, nine of which were sell-outs. The March Metallica show led the pack with 23,084 tickets sold. Between all the events, just under one million people visited the KFC Yum! Center.

The story ends with this:
“The arena authority reports an unprecedented net operating profit.”


Martin, Richard G. "Dick," 76, died in Louisville on September 2, 2019. He was one of the original members of Rascals of Ragtyme, Louisville Redbirds Dixieland Band, The Kosair Shrine Band and played for Broadway shows at the Kentucky Center and Actors Theater. He played big band music and led the Pendulum Orchestra as well as playing with various community musical groups. For the past nine summers, he was leader of the Rascals of Rhythm,

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