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January 2021 Articles
Cover Story
Eddy Metal
Paul Moffett
Eddy Metal
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Issue:January 2021 Year:2021
this one
Eddy Metal

News From the Pit
By Eddy Metal

Wassup, peeps! I hope you all had a good Christmas and New Year! It"s a new day. A new year. A new fresh start. All I can say is "Thank God! "

What a horrible year 2020 was. It was one for the books, for sure. If 2020 was an ice cream it would be fishhead-liver-flavored! My best friend died, my beloved little dog died, got to review no national shows, hateful politics ruled the world, and I only got to play two shows as a musician all year long, and the last month or so of the year was a major disappointment as well, for reasons I"d rather not go into.

am looking forward to things hopefully getting back to normal showwise-musically.

miss reviewing/photographing my shows and seeing all you good folks once again. Sorry I"m late on my column this month, but I just got back into town from a four-day trip to New Orleans for NYE! I had to get the f**k outta Dodge for a few. I needed to be somewhere where people were allowed to live and be happy and enjoy life, instead of being locked down and controlled in every aspect. New Orleans was just the place it seems! There were few COVID restrictions and people were enjoying themselves. Bourbon Street on New Year"s Eve was a blast! I had a room at the historic Four Star Hotel Monteleone and it was great! They had a heated pool 16 floors up, overlooking the city and it was nice to be able to swim at the end of December in an 85 degree pool. Watching the New Year ring in with a hail of fireworks from way up on top of the building was quite a sight. Something I won"t ever forget. The food there in New Orleans is freaking amazing! I had seafood and Cajun food coming out of my ears. If you have never been, you need to try to make it down there at all costs! Ten hours and you are there! It"s not that bad of a drive. I"ve been three times and this trip was the best time so far, even with COVID. I just hope to god that things will get back to normal, sometime soon. I gotta be honest with you, this COVID crap has me totally unmotivated musically anymore. You would think that musical ideas and the extra spare time would have songs flying out at a record pace, but I haven"t written anything in a while now. There"re hardly any places to play anymore, and the chances of any show you might actually have booked, will probably be canceled. People are just plain scared to get out anymore. Here, anyway.

it"s left a bad taste in my mouth and playing music at this point in time just doesn"t seem so important anymore. And anyone that really knows me, knows that that is a big deal. I"m used to big things! I"ve been spoiled! I"ve played awesome gigs opening for my musical heroes and rockstars I"ve looked up to my whole life. I"ve played my music to 8,000 people at one sitting before. I"ve had my music on the radio in my hometown for the whole city to hear. I can"t explain what it"s like hearing music you created going out to so many people for a hundred miles in every direction, especially in a city you grew up in. It"s really truly hard to deal with this situation after experiencing things like that. At least I got to experience this stuff in my day, if those days are long past. I do feel bad for the young"uns who are talented musicians just blooming that have to deal with the music scene as it is today. They have been dealt the shittiest hand of cards known to mankind musically. My heart goes out to them. They are troopers for moving on as best they can and working with what little they have.

But I"m not letting this shit ruin my music that I create from nothing. I may have just turned 51 on Christmas day(thanks for the 350+ birthday wishes, it meant a lot at a bad time in my life), but I am not giving up. When things get better I shall resume, and do what I do. Rock out! My band Year Of The Gun is alive and well, we are just frozen in a block of ice, waiting for that spring thaw, when new life comes to the world again. Sunlight, freedom, and happiness shall hopefully awaken my inspiration and put me in a better place musically. I do want to jam! I just want things to return to the way they were.

Sorry I don"t have much to talk about or report about. Just mostly negative BS. Twenty-twenty has been one big sh*tstorm all the way around, and I"m just ready for this nonsense to be over with and to start off fresh with some positivity and light at the end of a long dark tunnel.

After all it is a new year, a new start.

Once again, Thank God!

Starting today, once I submit this column to my editor, I shall try my best to be more positive, start writing music again, go to the gym more than ever (I recently started going and I feel so much better already), and basically to REMOVE all negative aspects from my life, and try to be as happy as possible.

Life is too short to deal with negative bullshit.

can only say that I wish all of you the best of luck in this New Year, and that I hope you all are ok out there, and that I want you to know that you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

As Roman Moroni would say- I love you bastages...

The Metal Grapevine

Flaw coming to Fort Wayne, IN:

It"s been a while since these guys have been around, so you Flaw fans might wanna hit the road for a trip up to Fort Wayne Indiana for some Flaw. They will be at the Rockstar Lounge on Saturday, January 16. I gotta give it to these guys. They are without a doubt the most resilient band I have ever seen! They never give up. I truly admire that.

R.I.P Chris Shewmaker:

I got the news that a former bandmate and Louisville rock veteran vocalist had passed away, and it made me quite sad. Chris Shewmaker was a Louisville vocalist who was active from the mid-nineties on. He hadn"t played in the scene in many years, but he left his mark for sure! Chirs played with Unrule, Flatlyne and my band 13th Level. Chris had very good vocals and was versatile in his delivery. He could scream, growl or sound beautifully clear whenever needed. He had a great singing voice. He was a good dude and will be greatly missed. A lot of people are pretty messed up about all this. Rest In Peace, brother. He is singing with the angels now.

Louisville Billiards Club"s New Feature:

Each month Louisville Billiards Club"s event video on their Facebook Page will feature an upcoming original artist. Gravel Switch is back at Louisville Billiards Club on January 22nd, so you will be able to view their video throughout the month. Thanks to Marc Masden for always supporting original music, and Mark Butts for coming up with this idea to feature one band a month.Great idea my brother!

Motley Crue Tribute Returns on Saturday January 9:

If you haven"t seen the Crue Tribute Theatre Of Crue before, you might want to see them when they return to Louisville Billiards. I saw them last year and they were great! Much better than the other Crue tribute that I saw at Mercury Ballroom. Great guys, too! Don"t miss them!

SWP debuts New Video:

Check out the new Video called "Closing Time."

Skipping Stone"s New Video:

Check out this newer band.

KYR, a debut video:

Louisville musician Erik Kyr has a new video out. Check it out! He is also this month"s Musician Of The Month.

LMN"s Bad Humor Report- Sometimes you are just headed for a fall:


Only God Gave A Damn Video by Matt Moore:

It's not rock, but I had to include this video from Louisville native Matt Moore, a song about how politicians blocked the $2000 stimulous checks to those who really need it. I agree wholeheartedly. It was a bullshit selfish move.

Louisville Music New Live- now you can see what Louisville and the surrounding region has to offer live! Get me those videos!

LMN Live- Blast From The Past, Subrosa:

LMN Live- E-Flat:

LMN Live- Two Pump Chump:

LMN Live- The Velcro Pygmies:

LMN Live- Some Kind Of Saint:

LMN Live- Blast From The Past, Rockaway Drive:

LMN Live-Year Of The Gun:

LMN Live-Blast From The Past, Faceplant:

It was a bullshit selfish move.

LMN Live- Blast From The Past-Inner Blue:

LMN Live- Blast from The Past- Hotter Than Hell at Toy Tiger:

Upcoming Shows

21rst Amendment

Friday, January 8 Muddygutt.

Saturday, January 30 Devil Be My Judge, August Vultures, Gravel and Spiders and Death Mountain Spiders.

Air Devils Inn

Friday, January 8– Skipping stone, Hidden Foundation and Slokill.

Beef OBrady\'s Hillview

Saturday, January 9– 7 Kev and Ashton.

Dani\'s Place

Saturday, January 16–>Kev and Ashton.

Diamonds Pub and Billiards

Saturday, February 27– Supernova.

Louisville Billiards

Friday, January 8– 7 Thunderstruck- the AC/DC Tribute.

Saturday, January 9– Theatre Of Crue- The Motley Crue Tribute.

Friday, January 15 – 7 Contingency Plan and Two Pump Chump.

Saturday, January 16– Kimmet and From Paris.

Friday, January 22– Gravel Switch, SWP and Skipping Stone.

Saturday, January 23– Corridor 64.

Saturday, January 30– Reverend Jack and Rok Hollywood.

Spectators Sports Grill

Saturday, January 9 – 7 Joslin and Friends.

Street Grubs and Hops

Friday, January 8– Chase Skinner.

Saturday, january 9– Caribou.

Saturday, January 16– Grind and Core- The Alice In Chains/Stone Temple Pilots Tribute.

Saturday, January 23– 7 Thunderstruck.


Saturday, January 9– 7 Rock Station.

Saturday, January 23– 7 Wilson Brothers.

Two Lanes

Friday, January 8– 7 Kev and Ashton.

Saturday, January– 7 30 Rock Station.

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